Staff Shift Swaps are a fact of life. Even if you plan the best roster in the world based on up-to-date staff availability information, Shift Swap requests will still happen from time to time.

Hey, life changes!

RosterElf's rostering software can take care of that for you. No more hassling your staff and desperately trying to find replacements.

This is how our rostering software handles Shift Swaps:

1. Shift Swap Requested.

If someone can no longer do a shift, all they have to do is hit the Shift Swap button and state why they are requesting a Shift Swap (this helps you decide if you want to approve it later).

2. Possible Staff Notified.

The rostering software then sends a notification to all staff (who are qualified for that particular position) of a potential additional shift.

3. Manager Asked to Approve.

If the manager approves, the roster software will automatically update, and all staff involved will receive a confirmation. If declined, staff are notified that the request has been declined and nothing changes. Don't want to give your staff the ability to request Shift Swaps? No worries, you can turn the ability to Shift Swap off! That's it.

RosterElf's rostering software has taken all the hassles of Shift Swaps out of your life.

Rostering Software


Have Questions?

We Have The Answers

How does RosterElf handle shift swap requests?

RosterElf simplifies the shift swap process by allowing employees to request a shift swap through the software. The request is then sent to qualified staff members, and the manager can approve or decline it. If approved, the software updates the roster automatically, and all involved staff are notified.

What happens when an employee requests a shift swap?

When an employee requests a shift swap, they must provide a reason for the request. The software then notifies all qualified staff members of the potential additional shift. The manager reviews the request and decides whether to approve or decline it.

Can managers control the shift swap feature?

Yes, managers have full control over the shift swap feature. They can enable or disable the ability for staff to request shift swaps, giving them the flexibility to manage their team according to the needs of the business.

How are staff notified about shift swap opportunities?

Once a shift swap request is made, the software sends notifications to all staff members qualified for the position. These notifications inform them of the available shift, allowing them to volunteer to take over the shift if they are available.

What happens if a shift swap request is declined?

If a manager declines a shift swap request, the requesting employee is notified that their request has been denied. The original roster remains unchanged, and the staff member is expected to fulfill their originally scheduled shift.

Can shift swaps help improve employee satisfaction?

Yes, allowing shift swaps can improve employee satisfaction by providing flexibility and accommodating personal needs. This feature helps employees balance their work and personal life more effectively, leading to higher morale and productivity.

Important Notice

The information contained in this article is general in nature and you should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs. Legal and other matters referred to in this article are of a general nature only and are based on RosterElf's interpretation of laws existing at the time and should not be relied on in place of professional advice.

RosterElf is not responsible for the content of any site owned by a third party that may be linked to this article and no warranty is made by us concerning the suitability, accuracy or timeliness of the content of any site that may be linked to this article.

RosterElf disclaims all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded) for any error, inaccuracy, or omission from the information contained in this article and any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.