We are excited to announce that Roster Elf's significant rostering overhaul is currently in beta testing, following more than a year of planning and development.


With over 10,000 hours of effort dedicated by the team across design, programming, and testing, this is one of our largest updates to date. It's been enormous.


It's fantastic that most of the modifications have been a result of user suggestions made through our feature request board.


We enjoy hearing what you, our clients, have to say and making fantastic enhancements in response.


This blog is intended to inform and assist our beta customers with what's new.


Discover all the awesome new features we've added.


Now let's get started.

Less Clicks

Previously, when you clicked on the roster tab, you had to select a site and a week before being directed to the roster screen. 

However, this has been changed now. When you click on the roster tab, you will be instantly taken to the rostering view for the current week without having to select anything. 

This change has been made to save you time and effort while accessing the roster screen.

Fresh New Design 


In addition to all the new features, our designers have given every aspect a brand-new look that you will notice everywhere. 

More than before, it's smooth and simple to use.

New Monthly View 

We still offer the prevalent daily and weekly roster views, and in response to requests from customers, we have now included a new monthly view for those who prefer to plan their employee rosters longer in advance. 

It's easy to use,  simply scroll left and right to get a full month view.

Toggle Between Date Periods 

It was a significant request, and we are happy to have fulfilled it. You can now switch between daily, weekly, and monthly intervals with complete flexibility.

Smart Filters

We have introduced several clever new filters to help you view your roster as you want.

If your business has more than one site, now you can filter by site.

You can choose to view your roster by all sites combined, a single site, or even a specific combination of sites.

The second filter allows you to filter the roster by employees.

Depending on your business type and how you organize shifts, we have also added the ability to display the roster by staff, by site, and by position.

Smart Financial Summary Side Bar 

We have moved it to a smart collapsible sidebar to maximize screen usage for rostering. 

Easily expand and collapse this sidebar to view important data as you build rosters.

Drag and Drop Shifts 

We have introduced a simple to use drag and drop shift feature on the daily, weekly, and monthly views.

It's now easier to adjust shift times and employee allocation.

Improved “Perfect Match System” 

Our perfect match system which automatically suggests qualified and available staff is one of our most loved features.

We have improved the flow to reduce clicks and improve the speed of selecting employees.

Custom Breaks 

RosterElf still can set standard break rules, but our new roster also gives the absolute flexibility to set custom break times by shift if you need it.

Repeating Shifts

Repeating shifts can be easily set to repeat in the future, saving time and clicks in this new beta version.

Draft Versus Published Shifts 

One of the most structural changes we have made is how publishing shifts work. 

Instead of draft and published roster versions,  something which can be confusing for larger clients with multiple managers all rostering,  each shift can now be either published or saved as a draft.

You can distinguish between published and draft shifts by looking for a slight grayed-out appearance in the draft shifts, whereas the published shifts appear in their regular color. 

Additionally, you can conveniently filter the shifts to display either draft or published ones.

We hope you found this blog informative, and we're excited for you to experience our new rostering upgrade.

If you require any assistance or have valuable feedback to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Have Questions?

We Have The Answers

What are the main changes in the new rostering overhaul?

Our rostering overhaul introduces a smoother, more efficient design, a new monthly view, flexible date period toggling, smart filters, and drag-and-drop shift functionality. These updates aim to enhance user experience by reducing clicks and simplifying roster management.

How does the new monthly view benefit users?

The new monthly view allows users to plan rosters well in advance, providing a comprehensive overview of employee scheduling. Simply scroll left and right to navigate through the month, making long-term planning more straightforward.

What are smart filters, and how do they improve roster management?

Smart filters enable users to view rosters by site, employee, or position. This flexibility helps businesses with multiple sites or varied shift structures to tailor their view, ensuring they can efficiently manage and organise their workforce.

How does the improved “Perfect Match System” work?

The enhanced Perfect Match System suggests qualified and available staff more efficiently by reducing the number of clicks required. This streamlines the process of selecting employees for shifts, saving time and improving accuracy.

Can I customise break times in the new rostering system?

Yes, the new system allows for both standard break rules and custom break times by shift. This flexibility ensures businesses can meet specific operational needs while maintaining compliance with break regulations.

How has the process for handling draft and published shifts changed?

Each shift can now be either published or saved as a draft, eliminating the confusion between draft and published roster versions. Draft shifts have a grayed-out appearance, while published shifts appear in regular color, and users can filter to display either type.

Important Notice

The information contained in this article is general in nature and you should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs. Legal and other matters referred to in this article are of a general nature only and are based on RosterElf's interpretation of laws existing at the time and should not be relied on in place of professional advice.

RosterElf is not responsible for the content of any site owned by a third party that may be linked to this article and no warranty is made by us concerning the suitability, accuracy or timeliness of the content of any site that may be linked to this article.

RosterElf disclaims all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded) for any error, inaccuracy, or omission from the information contained in this article and any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.