At RosterElf, we realise payroll is a vital function for any company, but it can be highly time-consuming and costly.

We have been working hard on solving this issue for customers. We are pleased to announce that we have launched our new payroll integration functionality after six months of hard work by the team.

You can now review clock-in-out data, compare it to rostered times, decide on the week's approved hours, and then process it directly to your chosen payroll provider.

Our key features include:

  • Compare rostered to clock in-out times, view staff comments and photo proof.
  • Increase the accuracy of payroll data 
  • Reduce admin time in processing payroll
  • Easily take care of overtime, breaks, deductions and special rates
  • Integrated with Xero, MYOB, and Sage, as well as our CSV format for other accounting software

Want to find out more? Check out RosterElf's support topics for Payroll with MYOB, Xero or RosterElf CSV for other formats:

Processing Payroll to MYOB

Processing Payroll to Xero

Processing Payroll RosterElf CSV

Setup is simple, but we are here to help! Call us on 1300 353 000 or email us at


Have Questions?

We Have The Answers

What are the key features of RosterElf’s new payroll integration?

RosterElf's new payroll integration offers several key features:

  • Compare rostered to clock-in/out times: Easily review discrepancies and validate hours worked.
  • Increase payroll accuracy: Reduce errors in payroll data through automated comparison.
  • Reduce admin time: Streamline payroll processing to save time and effort.
  • Handle overtime, breaks, and special rates: Effortlessly manage complex pay scenarios.
  • Integration with major payroll providers: Seamlessly connect with Xero, MYOB, Sage, and other accounting software using CSV format.

How does RosterElf improve payroll accuracy?

RosterElf improves payroll accuracy by:

  • Comparing rostered and actual clock-in/out times: Ensures employees are paid correctly for their hours worked.
  • Including staff comments and photo proof: Provides additional context and verification for payroll decisions.
  • Automated calculations: Reduces manual entry errors and ensures consistent application of pay rules.

What payroll providers does RosterElf integrate with?

RosterElf integrates with several major payroll providers, including:

  • Xero
  • MYOB
  • Sage
  • Additionally, it supports CSV format for integration with other accounting software, making it versatile and compatible with various systems.

How can I process payroll using RosterElf with MYOB?

Processing payroll with MYOB using RosterElf is straightforward:

  1. Review clock-in/out data: Compare it with the rostered times.
  2. Approve hours: Validate the hours worked for the week.
  3. Export to MYOB: Directly transfer the approved hours and data to MYOB for payroll processing. For detailed instructions, visit RosterElf's support page on Processing Payroll to MYOB.

What is the process for setting up payroll integration with Xero?

Setting up payroll integration with Xero involves:

  1. Connecting RosterElf to Xero: Follow the setup wizard to link your accounts.
  2. Configuring pay items: Map RosterElf's data fields to Xero's pay items.
  3. Review and export: Compare rostered and actual hours, approve them, and export directly to Xero. For more information, visit our support page on Processing Payroll to Xero.

How does RosterElf handle overtime, breaks, and special rates?

RosterElf simplifies managing overtime, breaks, and special rates by:

  • Automated calculations: Automatically calculates overtime, break deductions, and special rates based on your settings.
  • Customisable rules: Allows you to set specific rules for different types of work and shifts.
  • Detailed reporting: Provides clear visibility into how these elements are factored into payroll.

Important Notice

The information contained in this article is general in nature and you should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs. Legal and other matters referred to in this article are of a general nature only and are based on RosterElf's interpretation of laws existing at the time and should not be relied on in place of professional advice.

RosterElf is not responsible for the content of any site owned by a third party that may be linked to this article and no warranty is made by us concerning the suitability, accuracy or timeliness of the content of any site that may be linked to this article.

RosterElf disclaims all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded) for any error, inaccuracy, or omission from the information contained in this article and any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.