When a manager is in the process of hiring, it can be easy to look directly at skills listed on a CV  and write off those that don't fit the job description. 

It can become monotonous and tiring looking through a pile of CVs, trying to choose who is worth bringing in for an interview and who is not. 

While in some jobs, the experience is a must, in others, the experience can be flexible as long as the candidate has the right attitude. 

When you can keep an open mind to hiring for attitude and less for skill, you can come across some gems that will take your team to the next level. 

So here are five reasons why hiring for attitude and not just skill is crucial to your business's success. 

1. Most candidates don't start with skills 

There are possible moments in careers when a hiring manager gives a candidate the job despite little to no experience. 

Not all candidates applying for positions have the necessary experience, so they rely on their attitude and ambition to get them through the door. 

The next time you browse through CVs to select potential candidates, look beyond skills and select one or two, you might just have a good gut feeling. 

Trust that they are, like most, looking for someone to give them a shot. 

2. More options for candidates

Some job postings will see many applicants, and others may not. But by opening your mind to hiring someone who doesn't have all the experience required, you will immediately give yourself more options for candidates. 

3. The required skills are constantly changing

More than ever, specific skills are being focused on less than 10 or 20 years ago.

What we learn today may not be helpful in a year or two.

While candidates' skillset might not fit the job description perfectly when they apply, there is room for them to grow and change with the company. 

4. Hiring for attitude is good for company culture

Company culture (link to fun workplace post) is more important than ever. Positive company culture creates a positive work environment and yields better results from your employees. 

Adding a new hire who demonstrates a positive, can-do and supportive attitude helps shape a strong and healthy culture across the organization.

They will help your other employees feel motivated and ultimately lead to a more profitable and successful business.

5. Able to adapt to change 

When hiring for attitude, you'll notice that these candidates are typically most open to change and can adapt quickly and easily. 

They're inspired by a fast-moving environment and do well working with others. They look for a challenge and are always interested in pushing the boundaries. 

These traits are essential in a constantly evolving workforce—having candidates who can go "with the flow" is sometimes more important than the perfect amount of experience. 


Here are five things to consider when reviewing resumes for your next round of hires. 

  1. Most candidates don't start with skill. 
  2. More options for candidates
  3. The required skills are constantly changing
  4. Hiring for attitude is good for company culture
  5. Able to adapt to change 

Comment below a time you hired a candidate based on attitude, and it was successful.

For more on hiring tips, check out this helpful resource:


The RosterElf team

Have Questions?

We Have The Answers!

Why is hiring for attitude important in today's job market?

Hiring for attitude is crucial as it fosters a positive work environment, enhances company culture, and supports adaptability in a rapidly changing workforce. Candidates with the right attitude often demonstrate ambition, a willingness to learn, and a positive approach to challenges, which can be more beneficial than just possessing specific skills.

How can hiring for attitude provide more candidate options?

By being open to candidates with the right attitude but less experience, you expand your talent pool. This approach allows you to consider individuals who may not meet all the job requirements but show potential and enthusiasm, giving you a wider range of candidates to choose from.

What impact does hiring for attitude have on company culture?

Hiring for attitude positively influences company culture by bringing in individuals who contribute to a supportive, motivated, and cohesive work environment. Employees with a positive attitude can inspire others, leading to increased productivity and a more enjoyable workplace.

Why are specific skills becoming less important in hiring decisions?

Specific skills are becoming less critical as the job market evolves rapidly. Skills required today may not be relevant in the near future. Hiring for attitude ensures you have adaptable employees willing to learn and grow with the company, maintaining relevance in changing times.

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