What Are the Advantages of Agile Working?

Agile working fosters a productive work environment by allowing workers the freedom and flexibility to work whenever and however they choose at different office locations or remotely through hot-desking. The emphasis is more on performance and quality and less on the location with fewer restrictions and more flexibility.

That said, a myriad of advantages can result from establishing a flexible and adaptable work environment, and that is true. It all boils down to having the proper tools for the right task at the right time.

It can be much more, though. You can maximise the advantages your workplace can offer to people by bringing personality and vibrant to your everyday tasks. Yet how then can you implement agile working methods? And what advantages does agile working offer?

Enhancing the Work-Life Balance

The ability to manage work and personal life is more crucial than ever for the present workforce. Today’s employees care deeply about spending most of their time with family, friends, and loved ones. Some are even ready to accept a salary cut in exchange for the liberty to choose how they want to spend their time.

Your workforce will significantly be more satisfied if you adopt agile working methods in your organisation. Technology has made it far simpler than ever before to offer agile working. It enables workers to access work from any location, allowing them to structure their work schedule around their social responsibilities rather than the other way around.

Reduction of Cost

Agile working has several commercial advantages. The ability to save money is one of the key benefits of agile workspaces for businesses. When employees have a flexible work environment, such as the option to work from home or any location of their choice, this significantly lowers business costs. 

There is no longer a need for you to lease office space, furnishings, and other expenditures connected with it. 

The salaries you provide your candidates are also influenced by these cost reductions. With agile working, your business can hire equally capable applicants from different parts of the country or perhaps the world, and where they can pay them less while still obtaining necessary new skills. 

Improved Self-Determination

In a typical workplace, top roles and executives manage employees on how, when, and where to work. However, when employees are given the option of agile working, this hierarchy is eliminated, allowing a workplace that's fairer and pays more attention to employees' concerns. 

Employees tend to perform better when they have more self-determination since they are in control of their productivity.

Greater Retention of High-Calibre Talent

With the growing demand for flexible work, it is now significantly important for businesses to provide agile working options to their employees. The demand for agile working has skyrocketed by more than 40% over the last several years due to how extremely desirable it is. 

Agile working is something that most businesses don't provide, and they are probably losing out on some best talent. By allowing employees to take time off for travel, rather than having to abandon their jobs, agile working also improves retention rates. 

They can simply work from home, and business will continue as normal.

The need for more flexible working arrangements has grown in recent years. And workspace research clearly demonstrates that 79% of employees prefer the choice at their current employer. And the percentage among younger workers is significantly greater.

Options for Flexible Working

Agile working is but one method by which businesses are allowing for more flexibility in today's office environments. Businesses can benefit from integrating agility into their team and workplace through:

  • Allow workers to choose the optimal place for their job so that they can use their time and resources more effectively.

  • Reduce travel time by avoiding needing to go back to your desk to complete productive work.

  • Reduce travel time by avoiding the need to go back to their workstation to obtain productive work every time.

  • Improve cross-collaboration on assignments by allowing people and teams to work closely together.

  • Encourage teamwork in a more transparent, collaborative environment, which improves team trust and communication.

The Key Aspects of Agile Working

Adopting an agile working method at work depends on a few key aspects of your work style. These consist of:

  • Complimentary workplace conditions

Creating an atmosphere that is ideal for agile working is one of the most crucial components. Environments should be designed to help employees in accomplishing their goals of freedom, productivity, and efficiency and make it easy to collaborate when needed.

  • Flexibility

The ability to work when, where, and how employees deem most convenient. They can determine the most efficient way to complete jobs by eliminating the limitations imposed by standard operating procedures.

Final Thoughts

Both businesses and workers can gain from agile working, but there are drawbacks as well. One drawback is that workers who require more structure to finish their tasks may be less productive. 

Other downsides include management's inability to adjust to the new environment and some workers' lack of appreciation for the extra freedom they now have at work. Despite these few drawbacks, agile working has several advantages that the incoming workforce is looking for.

RosterElf: Rostering Made Easy

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Staff set the times and days they can work, and RosterElf does the rest. Our software then automatically suggests available employees to fill shifts. 

What are you waiting for? Time to take your rostering and payroll game to the next level and boost your business' performance. Call us now and our team will be more than happy to assist you. 

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Have Questions?

We Have The Answers!

How does agile working change the traditional office setup?

Agile working transforms the traditional office by allowing employees to choose their workspace and work hours. By focusing on output rather than location, it enhances productivity and flexibility.

What impact does agile working have on employee satisfaction?

By offering flexibility to manage personal and professional commitments, agile working significantly boosts employee satisfaction and well-being.

How can businesses save money with agile working?

Businesses can save on overhead costs like office leases and utilities by allowing employees to work remotely or from various locations, reducing the need for large physical offices.

Why is agile working attractive to top talent?

Agile working appeals to high-calibre talent by offering the freedom to work from anywhere, helping businesses attract and retain skilled employees who value flexibility.

What role does technology play in agile working?

Technology, such as RosterElf’s app, facilitates agile working by enabling seamless communication, scheduling, and access to work from any location, optimising productivity and efficiency.

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