Business is becoming more and more competitive by the day.

Technology disruptions, increasing client exceptions and, at times, a troublesome economic climate make building and growing a business challenging. 

In this climate, the most successful businesses have realised, more than ever, that attracting and retaining top talent is critical. 

Excellent employees can be the critical point of difference for smaller businesses that often compete with larger competitors.

But as we all know, businesses will invest heavily in hiring and coaching new staff, only to find that high-performing employees are leaving the company to find opportunities elsewhere. 

Business owners somewhat accept that employee turnover is costly in both time and money, but the scale of the impact will most likely shock you.

The Financial Cost of Employee Turnover

Year after year, businesses analyse the financial impacts of employee turnover.

Whilst the financial cost of employee turnover differs based on the seniority and wage bracket, research by SHRM is arguably one of the best indicators.

Their analysis indicates that the employee turnover ratio equates to about 6-9 months in earnings.

For instance, for an employee on $60,000 pa, the cost to the business of that employee leaving can be $30,000 plus!

Why is the cost of turnover so high?

When people hear the turnover cost is 6-9 months' earnings, they assume the figure is massively overinflated.

But the analysis includes obvious costs like hiring and training and a range of less obvious but costly implications.

These costly implications include: 

1. Onboarding

The actual cost of training and onboarding a new hire is significant. In addition, it may take several months of additional on-shift costs, similarly to management time to teach and conduct feedback sessions.

In most cases, the training cost will equate to 10-20% of earnings.

2. Reduced Productivity

Depending on the role's complexity, new hires can take anywhere from 6-12 months to reach existing personnel's productivity and skill.

3. Engagement

Turnover often will have severe implications for the broader level of employee engagement.

The ripple effect will affect productivity across the business, which may take a lot of effort to settle down.

4. Errors

New employees that are learning the job are likely going to make mistakes. 

Sometimes these mistakes can have an impact that the business has to absorb, including profit and customer service. 

5. Cultural Impacts

Organisational culture comes from the sum of its people.

Each time an employee leaves and a replacement starts, management needs to refocus the correct values into the culture, which may suck up considerable time and energy.


Whilst employee turnover has its effects, if the right leadership is in place, they'll handle the implications, and an immediate action plan will make things right. 

Pro tip: Measuring employee turnover and its effects on your business will help to understand what can change to lead to higher employee retention, saving you money.

To stay on budget and manage your team more efficiently, consider RosterElf as your online employee scheduling software. Try today for free. 


Have Questions?

We Have The Answers

Why is attracting and retaining top talent crucial for businesses?

Attracting and retaining top talent is critical because excellent employees can significantly differentiate smaller businesses from their larger competitors. In a competitive business environment, top talent drives productivity, innovation, and overall success.

What are some of the primary reasons why high-performing employees leave their jobs?

High-performing employees often leave their jobs due to lack of growth opportunities, inadequate compensation, poor management, insufficient work-life balance, and the desire for new challenges or better company culture elsewhere.

What strategies can businesses implement to reduce employee turnover?

Businesses can reduce employee turnover by offering competitive compensation, providing growth opportunities, fostering a positive company culture, ensuring strong leadership, and actively engaging with employees to understand and address their needs and concerns.

How does onboarding new employees impact the business financially?

Onboarding new employees involves significant costs related to training, additional on-shift expenses, and management time. Training costs alone can equate to 10-20% of the new employee’s earnings, making it a substantial investment.

In what ways can employee turnover affect overall productivity?

Employee turnover can reduce overall productivity as new hires often take 6-12 months to reach the productivity levels of existing personnel. Additionally, turnover can cause disruptions and lower morale, further impacting productivity across the organisation.

What factors contribute to the high cost of employee turnover?

The high cost of employee turnover includes direct costs like hiring and training, as well as indirect costs such as reduced productivity, decreased employee engagement, increased errors, and negative impacts on company culture.

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