According to Gallup, only 15% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. 

Having disengaged employees in your business is a serious threat to multiple areas of the company. But on the other hand, engaged workers are keen to go the extra mile, ambitious to meet their targets and help the business succeed. 

Disengaged employees undermine all the hard work of the business's engaged employees. But they are an untapped opportunity for a business to increase its profit, customer service and company culture. 

These employees can be hard to spot because they are likely just doing enough to fulfil their role requirements. However, they are typically the first off to lunch and the first to clock out for the day. 

But engaging employees must be strategic and built for each individual. Employees are a priority, and managers must understand that every interaction they have with employees can determine their business engagement. 

Managers must understand that to build up employee engagement; they must present unique engagement strategies. 

Here are five strategies to consider. 

1. Frequent Employee Engagement Survey 

Depending on the business's size, your survey's metrics will vary, but the goal is to understand how your employees engage across multiple company areas. 

If you're concerned about employee engagement, try frequenting employee engagement surveys as often as possible. 

Showing employees you care about engagement across the organisation will likely feel more engaged and more willing to provide honest feedback. 

2. Coach Management on Employee Engagement

Your leadership will define employee engagement, so it's important to train from the top down. 

If managers are unsure how to engage employees, then likely, employees won't feel engaged. 

An employee engagement tool kit is an excellent resource for managers to use when engaging employees. 

3. Prioritise Feedback for All Employees

Employees thrive on feedback. Whether positive or negative, they like to discuss what they've been working on and how it helps the organisation. 

Allow your employees to discuss what they've been working on and how it's been going. 

Offer support and reassurance that they're doing a good job. Where necessary, offer feedback on where staff can improve. 

4. Emphasise Company Values and Mission 

Your employees will be more engaged if they clearly understand what they're working towards and why. 

The hard work and tasks make more sense when they have a mission they believe in. 

Making the company's values and mission accessible can result in better customer service and higher profit. 

5. Recognise Success and Reward if Possible 

Recognition for good team spirit, a positive customer experience or meeting target is all easy ways to offer encouragement and increase engagement. 

Where possible, reward for success. A bonus doesn't necessarily have to have a monetary value. It could merely be a shoutout over email. 

Recognition feels good and inspires employees to do better. 

Employers have an opportunity to make employees' work experience more fulfilling. 

Have Questions?

We Have The Answers!

What impact does employee engagement have on business performance?

Employee engagement significantly boosts business performance. Engaged employees are more productive, motivated, and committed to their work, leading to higher efficiency and profitability. They tend to go the extra mile, contributing to better customer service and a positive workplace culture. Conversely, disengaged employees can undermine these efforts, making it crucial for businesses to prioritise engagement strategies.

How can managers improve employee engagement effectively?

Managers can improve employee engagement by implementing tailored strategies that cater to individual needs. Conducting regular employee engagement surveys, providing consistent feedback, and emphasising the company’s values and mission are essential steps. Additionally, coaching managers on engagement techniques and recognising employee achievements can foster a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Why are frequent employee engagement surveys important?

Frequent employee engagement surveys are vital as they help gauge employee sentiment across various aspects of the company. These surveys demonstrate that the organisation values employee opinions and is committed to creating a better workplace. By regularly collecting feedback, companies can identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions to enhance overall employee engagement and satisfaction.

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