When it comes to building a winning team, you must remember some very vital steps. 

From management to staff and everything in between, creating a successful team takes careful consideration and identifying what's most important for your business and goals. 

Today's post covers the top five things you need to build a winning team and become a better manager. 

1. Create a Plan 

When building a winning team, it's essential to develop a plan. Once you have determined your goal, you can begin setting the team's goals. 

Creating a clear plan lets you understand what you hope to build and achieve with your winning team. The exact plan allows you to set realistic goals to help you reach your target quicker. 

2. Set Clear Goals

Much like our personal lives, we operate better when we have goals. It's one thing to say you want to run a marathon, but if you don't set clear goals to get you there, it'll be much more challenging. 

The same is in the workplace. It's one thing to tell staff to sell more, but another to give team members clear benchmarks. So your team has something to work towards and accomplish with a clear standard. 

Before communicating your team's goals, think about why you want to set them and when you hope to achieve them. If the team accomplishes its goal, what are the implications? How will it benefit your organisation? 

To create a winning team, ensure you know how to track and evaluate progress and completion and report the organisation's accomplishments. 

3. Let staff develop their own goals

After determining team goals, let all your staff develop their own goals. Then, they should be able to decide on their capabilities to support the teams' objectives.

Ensure you are available to provide support: help them learn how to develop meaningful and achievable goals using a SMART goals criteria framework. 

Ensure they understand the importance of measurement by guiding them so their goals align with the team and organisation.

4. Give Your Winning Team Space 

There's nothing worse than someone over your shoulder watching your every move, especially when trying to reach your goals. 

Instead of micromanaging your team's every move, give them the space to work towards their goal and fulfil the role you hired them for. 

With space, trust and confidence in you as a manager inspires your employees to continue to work hard towards their goals.

5. Show your Appreciation

While your winning team works hard to meet their goals, you must show them your appreciation. 

Showing your team how much you appreciate them and their hard work, you create an environment where they can thrive. 

Your team can exceed their targets and win in an environment conducive to success. 

Whether it's weekly, monthly or quarterly, set yourself time to show your appreciation, so it's not forgotten. 

It's Time to Start Winning

With these five tips, you are ready to build a winning team and lead them to success. However, before you pick your start players for your team, it's essential to ask the right questions when interviewing candidates. 

Don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn for essential tips on managing hourly workers and how to roster better with RosterElf. 


Have Questions?

We Have The Answers

Why is creating a plan essential for building a winning team?

Creating a plan is crucial because it sets a clear roadmap for achieving your goals. It helps you understand what you hope to build and achieve, allowing you to set realistic and measurable goals that guide your team toward success.

How can setting clear goals improve team performance?

Clear goals give team members specific benchmarks to work towards, providing direction and motivation. By understanding the purpose and benefits of these goals, the team can focus their efforts and track their progress, leading to improved performance and achievement.

Why should staff develop their own goals, and how can managers support this process?

Allowing staff to develop their own goals fosters ownership and accountability. Managers can support this process by providing guidance on setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and ensuring that individual goals align with team and organisational objectives.

What are the benefits of giving your team space to work independently?

Giving your team space to work independently fosters trust and confidence. It encourages creativity, problem-solving, and accountability, allowing employees to take ownership of their tasks and contribute effectively towards the team's goals without feeling micromanaged.

How can showing appreciation impact team success?

Showing appreciation boosts morale and motivates team members to continue working hard. Regular recognition of their efforts creates a positive work environment, enhancing productivity and job satisfaction, which are key components of a winning team.

What are some effective ways to show appreciation to your team?

Effective ways to show appreciation include verbal recognition, written notes, public acknowledgment during meetings, bonuses, awards, and small gestures like team lunches or social events. Regularly scheduled appreciation moments, such as weekly or monthly recognitions, ensure consistent acknowledgment of hard work.

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