8 Benefits of Using an Online Time Tracking Solution

Traditional time clock usage is no longer relevant these days. Employees no longer need to wait in a long queue at the start and end of their shifts to punch a piece of paper at the right time and location. Today's technology allows you to streamline your day-to-day processes within your organisation. So, why not use these advancements to boost your company's tracking aspect? 

Businesses of all sizes have started using web-based employee time tracking software and biometric security measures to track employee time and attendance more effectively.

But first, let's define a web-based time clock. Your employees may clock in and out of tasks or projects using this cloud-based work time app from designated places. Through electronic devices like smartphones, employees can access the time clock. Your payroll system automatically integrates the data collected so you can use it in any way you see fit.

Web-based employee time tracking software or time clock app can be a labour-saving, practical, and secure addition to your company if appropriately applied. Cloud-based employee time tracking software, on the other hand, can do more than just letting your staff clock in and out.  

An employee time tracking software allows you to conduct a wide range of tasks, some of which are listed below:

1. Boost Productivity

Workforce time tracking is usually time-consuming, but web-based employee time tracking software automates the entire process. Nowadays, it only takes a few seconds to finish these tasks. All information entered is saved automatically and integrated into your payroll system.

During their actual working hours, employees can work more effectively. Instead of wasting time waiting in line, punching cards, looking for a manager to fix an issue, and other typical time-tracking problems, they can focus on their assigned tasks.

Since management no longer needs to spend tedious hours reviewing each employee's punch card, they can also use their time more effectively. The system has been updated with all the correct information. Moreover, management saves time by not having to look for employees who provided inaccurate information or carefully check their entries twice or three times.

2. Quicker Return on Investment (ROI)

A web-based time clock can provide a quick return on investment (ROI) by boosting staff productivity, improving cost control, and saving time. Since they know that their time is precisely tracked and fairly compensated, employees can double their Productivity. 

On the other hand, since management won't feel pressure about keeping time reporting highly accurate, they'll also become more productive. Everything is carried out automatically.

3. Prevent Time Theft Problems 

Time is money, and that's a fact. And, your company is susceptible to time theft regardless of industry. 

Some employers said their staff members would never "steal" time or lie about their attendance. However, if you don't put the proper security measures in place, it can happen to your company, whether on purpose or accidentally. 

Although just a few minutes might not seem like much of a concern, it doesn't take long for misreported employee time to accumulate into a significant loss for your company's revenue. An employee time tracking software's capacity to eliminate employee time theft is one of its best features. 

A reliable time tracking system is independent of a security camera, a wrongly entered security pin, or a forgotten or stolen badge to immediately identify fraudulent activity in seconds.

Examples of "time theft" include the following: 

  • Unapproved overtime
  • Longer breaks
  • Buddy punching
  • Too much personal time
  • Spending on the internet for personal reasons 
  • Sleeping at work 
  • Early work departures

For businesses with sizeable hourly staff, buddy punching is the main culprit for time theft. A cloud-based employee time tracking software records an employee's attendance based on specific details—time, place, etc. Buddy punching will no longer be a problem because of these security measures. 

4. Effective Payroll Processing

Payroll processing will be more effective for businesses thanks to time automation technology. Eliminating the need for paper time sheets or time cards can save you time on filling them out manually and save money spent on materials.

Employees and management can relax knowing there's no room for human mistakes in the timekeeping process. Employees are concerned about this as it can affect their paychecks and their time off, overtime, and other company benefits. 

If you employ a payroll processing service, the information gathered can be sent to them or integrated into your internal payroll department.

5. Streamlines Schedules

If an employee's schedule or location changes, they can clock in or exit without having to simultaneously wait in the same spot. No matter where they are, they can instantly record their time. This is a fantastic alternative for those who frequently travel to different locations for work. 

Photo by: Pavel Danilyuk | Pexels

6. Boost Accountability Among Employees

Additionally, employee time tracking software tends to boost worker accountability. Management cannot be held responsible for inaccurate data entry or recording. Productivity skyrockets when employees know they're directly accountable for how they use and record their time, including breaks, time off, tardiness, and the like. 

7. Guarantees Transparency

An effective and efficient workplace requires transparency from the company and the employees. 

Managers and business owners can have a clearer, more thorough picture of how time is used. They are also relieved that their employees are honest and accurate when reporting their work hours. In exchange, employees don't need to worry about their hours being incorrectly recorded due to individual biases or internal disputes. 

Management has real-time access to an employee's time and attendance records thanks to web-based employee time tracking software. It is far simpler to address persistent tardiness or excessive personal time at once rather than weeks later.

This guarantees that tardiness or laziness is disciplined in accordance with company guidelines. 

8. Boost Employee Morale 

If their efforts are appreciated and rewarded in some way, employees are often eager to put in more effort and time at work. Thanks to web-based employee time tracking software, you can accurately and efficiently track your employees who surpass their call of duty.

This makes it possible for businesses to reward employees appropriately. People will be happier at work if they feel respected and appreciated. Those who are content at work are more effective. Ensuring their additional time is used wisely can help increase employees' job satisfaction.

They should have the right to assume they will be adequately compensated for their time.

Final Thoughts 

What business can afford not to implement a web-based employee time tracking software given these excellent advantages? There are numerous alternatives, and new ones are always made available as technology develops. You can find a solution that works for your company and your budget. That said, what you need is RosterElf employee time tracking software

RosterElf: Rostering Made Easy


RosterElf's cloud-based rostering and payroll software truly is a game-changer. Say goodbye to roster conflicts and chase employees for their availability to work. Instead, employees can easily update their availability to work and notify managers about it through a smartphone app. 


Staff set the times and days they can work, and RosterElf does the rest. Our software then automatically suggests available employees fill shifts. 


What are you waiting for? Time to take your rostering and payroll game to the next level and boost your business' performance. Call us now, and our team will be more than happy to assist you. 


To get a clearer view of how our app works, enjoy 30-day access to our tool for free!

Have Questions?

We Have The Answers!

How does online time tracking boost productivity?

Online time tracking automates time-consuming tasks, allowing employees to focus on their work instead of clocking in manually. This efficiency extends to management, who no longer need to review time cards manually.

What is buddy punching, and how is it prevented?

Buddy punching is when one employee clocks in or out for another. Online time tracking prevents this by using specific details like time and location, ensuring accurate attendance records.

How does online time tracking improve payroll processing?

By automating time tracking, errors from manual time entry are eliminated. This ensures accurate payroll processing, reduces disputes, and saves time for both employees and management.

Can employees track their time from different locations?

Yes, employees can clock in and out from any location using their smartphones. This flexibility is ideal for those who travel frequently for work.

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