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Robots Taking Jobs
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Rostering Robots?!

min read · November 15, 2017 ·

The future of employment has been all the talk in the media in recent months following several massive technological advances in Artificial Intelligence (Ai) and Robotics.

Whilst automation has been impacting the production and manufacturing industries for some time. We are now seeing technologies emerging which will massively impact services industries.

Pizza Hut has made headlines of late with trials of a fleet of walking, talking humanoid robots to take orders and process payments called "Pepper". Pepper is a humanoid robot developed by Japanese technology firm SoftBank that can read and respond to human gestures, expressions and tone of voice, allowing customers to communicate with the robot "just like they would with friends and family".

Imagine a fleet of robots with no sick days, unlimited work hours, no personal issues, and can be trained in 5 minutes via simply inserting a chip?! Interesting, exciting and scary all rolled into one. But it is coming regardless. So what does this mean for the future of service industry work?

In 10 years, RosterElf's Scheduling Software will be used to roster your robots and not actual people?

Undoubtedly, Ai and advanced robotics will massively change many workplaces, and jobs will need to change. Some estimates from leading economists in the field say that somewhere between 9% and 40% of workers in the West could lose jobs to automation over the next two or so decades. So if you are an employer or employee, you need to start thinking about the change coming and how you can respond.

Employees must focus on growing their skills and experience beyond simple and repetitive tasks to ensure their abilities are increasingly in demand. This could include management training and focusing on natural and meaningful customer service.

For businesses, the change has massive cost-saving potential. It should be seen as an opportunity to automate repetitive tasks and instead re-deploy the workforce into activities that add tangible value to the business and grow the bottom line. For instance, in hospitality, technologies like Pepper enable repetitive tasks like order taking to be done effectively and at a low cost so employees can focus on providing accurate and meaningful customer interactions.

No one knows the future other than its coming. Like most technological advances, Ai and robotics will undoubtedly be a mix of positive and negative for both business and society. The most important thing is for everyone to recognise the change in the wind and ensure they are both prepared and flexible in their response.


Simon Ingleson

CEO and Founder


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Frequently asked questions

Rostering and Payroll Software Questions? We have the answers.

  • Workforce Management (WFM) software comprises digital tools to optimise labour efficiency. These tools often include cloud and app-based applications that manage employee leave, availability, scheduling/rostering, time and attendance, award interpretation, and payroll.

  • Workforce Management (WFM) optimises employee productivity through processes and software solutions. Key functions include labour cost forecasting, cloud-based rostering and scheduling, digital time and attendance tracking, and efficient payroll management, ensuring compliance and accuracy.

  • WFM is crucial for maintaining an optimal labour resource flow and enhancing profitability and efficiency. A robust WFM system can reduce labour costs without compromising business performance, ultimately improving profits.

  • Good workforce management uses advanced WFM software to automate and optimise daily labour tasks. This approach helps businesses save time and money while boosting profitability.

  • RosterElf's integration with MYOB seamlessly synchronises employee data, timesheets, and payroll information between systems.

  • The integration caters to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

  • The integration is designed to handle the large number of employees, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

  • Common methods of time theft include buddy punching, where one employee clocks in for another, taking extended breaks, and falsifying timesheets.

  • Preventing time theft involves implementing strict time-tracking policies, using digital time and attendance systems, and fostering a culture of accountability and transparency among employees.

  • Rosters should be updated regularly, typically weekly or bi-weekly, to reflect changes in employee availability, business needs, and unforeseen circumstances.

  • The most effective way to communicate roster changes is through a cloud-based rostering tool that automatically notifies employees of updates via mobile apps or email.

  • The Fair Work Act is the key legislation governing employment laws in Australia. It sets out employers' and employees' rights and obligations, including pay, leave, and work conditions.

  • The Fair Work Ombudsman oversees Fair Work Compliance. This agency ensures Australian workplaces comply with national workplace laws, providing guidance and investigating breaches.

  • The National Employment Standards (NES) are a set of 11 minimum employment entitlements that must be provided to all employees. They include annual leave, maximum weekly hours, and notice of termination.

  • With RosterElf, you only pay for active staff or rostered staff depending on the plan selected. RosterElf Pro is charged per active employee per month. You can publish unlimited schedules, and staff can feature on any number of rosters/shifts with no additional costs. The charge for the month will simply be the number of active staff multiplied by the monthly plan rate (see pricing table for details). For a full pricing breakdown, click here.

  • If restrictions prevent you from operating your business, our pricing structure ensures that you can continue to keep your staff on RosterElf. Just get in touch, and one of our friendly team members can hibernate your account until things pick up. We believe in charging only for what you use and ensuring we’re always adding value to your business.

  • Based on hundreds of online reviews at Google and the Xero App Store, RosterElf is considered the best rostering software in Australia. It is known for its ease of use, affordability, and robust features.

  • RosterElf is consistently rated as the best rostering software Australia offers due to its outstanding customer reviews, user-friendly platform, and excellent support. Check our Google and Xero reviews to see what customers say.


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