A Melbourne restaurant owner faces 22 charges for employing international students in breach of their visa conditions.

A spokesman for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) said today that it was alleged the students had worked illegally in the stores for two-and-a-half years.

The spokesman said five employees were also charged over their involvement in the scam. “More than 90 charges are expected to be laid as a result of an Immigration-led investigation,” the spokesman said.

The accused restaurant owner allegedly organised Indonesian nationals to travel to Australia on student visas to work in breach of their visa conditions at her Nando’s chain of restaurants and other grocery stores. However, evidence obtained during the investigation indicates that the owner told management staff to turn a blind eye to the illegal workers.

If convicted under the Migration Act, the accused could face up to 12 months imprisonment for each charge.

No doubt authorities are cracking down on illegal employment or breaches of employment laws. This makes implementing staff rostering and payroll solutions like RosterElf even more critical. It will save you time and money and provide robust records should you be asked questions by authorities.


Simon Ingleson

CEO/Founder @ RosterElf

Magically Simple Rostering Software

Have Questions?

We Have The Answers!

What penalties could the accused face if convicted?

Under the Migration Act, the accused could face up to 12 months imprisonment for each charge.

Why is using rostering and payroll solutions like RosterElf important?

Implementing solutions like RosterElf saves time and money and provides robust records, helping ensure compliance with employment laws.

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