Employees can collaborate from anywhere in the world thanks to mobile scheduling software. With the help of the Rosterelf mobile app, find out how to boost employee productivity immediately.

Productivity in the workplace isn't something that occurs all of a sudden. Multiple tools, platforms, and apps are required to generate a flywheel of value in today's corporate world. This includes mobile apps like staff management software. 

Today, the only feasible method to plan meetings, build rosters, and arrange shifts is through a mobile rostering app. This tool lets you get the most out of your time, money, and workforce while giving employees quick access to essential data.

Now that you have a general understanding of mobile rostering apps let's look at how they might improve your workplace productivity.

What Can Mobile Rostering Apps Do?

Modern rostering apps can perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • Adding and onboarding new employees 
  • Creating shifts 
  • Adding shift notes 
  • Updating rosters 
  • Approving employee leave requests 
  • Approving employee shift swaps 
  • Digital clocking in and out via GPS (Global Positioning System)
  • Viewing personal calendar of future shifts 

How Can Mobile Rostering Improve Workforce Productivity?

As the workforce becomes increasingly reliant on technology and less on human connection, you need to implement methods to keep employees and managers in accord with one another. 

1. Preventing scheduling conflicts

Conflicts over availability are inevitable in today's hectic workplace. Employees suffer unforeseen life circumstances, need to renegotiate their shifts or take unexpected days off. Mobile apps can relieve shift management stress in a myriad of ways. Your employees can view their schedules and make changes or special requests anytime. They can even offer bids for new shifts, exchange tasks, and request modifications as necessary. Employees can view their schedules in real time and make necessary changes or requests at any time. They can bid for new shifts, exchange shifts with colleagues, or request modifications, all through a user-friendly interface. This level of accessibility helps to minimise misunderstandings and ensure that all scheduling changes are tracked and approved through the app, preventing conflicts before they arise.

2. Less time communicating

In the past, changing shifts and updating schedules required many phone calls, texts, or emails, which took up a lot of time and could lead to mistakes. Mobile rostering solves this problem by keeping all communication in one place.

With the help of intelligent employee scheduling software, employee shifts can be shared quickly and easily through a smartphone. No more confused employees calling, texting, or sending emails, or even worse, confused employees missing shifts. 

By streamlining communication, employees spend less time clarifying their shifts and more time focusing on their tasks. Managers also benefit from reduced administrative work, allowing them to concentrate on more strategic aspects of their roles. Overall, less time spent on communication translates to increased productivity for the entire workforce.

3. Make quick changes

Even the most carefully planned employee rosters are subject to change and instability. A mobile scheduling app allows quick and easy changes to shift times, removal of whole shifts, and distribution of current shifts to new employees. Whether it's adjusting shift times, cancelling shifts, or redistributing tasks among employees, mobile rostering makes it easy to implement changes on the fly. Managers can instantly update the roster, and employees receive real-time notifications about the changes.

Additionally, mobile scheduling apps have analytics and reporting tools to assist managers in making well-informed decisions when modifying schedules. By reviewing previous shift patterns and employee productivity, managers can improve future schedules to align with business and workforce requirements.

4. Respected workers produce well

Effective shift communication makes employees feel valued. They have the impression that the company values their time, privacy, and well-being. Apps for employee rostering make it simple for employees to plan their schedules well in advance, thus saving them time. Remember, a happy employee is a productive employee. 

Mobile rostering applications significantly enable employees to organize their schedules ahead of time. Through these apps, employees can easily access their upcoming shifts, request time off, and better manage their work-life balance. This enhanced level of control and transparency helps decrease stress levels and enhance job satisfaction.

5. Time and attendance 

Manual timekeeping depletes the core of your company's resources. If traditional HR teams continue to record time cards and validate paper records manually, your staff will become sluggish. Adhering to labour laws could be challenging when human error is in the mix.

Modern employee scheduling applications come with GPS-based clock-in and clock-out features, transforming your smartphone into an easy-to-use time and attendance device.

Employees have the convenience of clocking in and out through their mobile devices, while managers can keep track of attendance instantly. This system guarantees precise time monitoring, minimizes mistakes, and makes it easier to follow labour laws. 

It also offers useful information for analyzing employee efficiency and pinpointing areas for enhancement. By streamlining time and attendance tasks, mobile scheduling apps allow businesses to allocate resources to more important projects.

6. Employee rostering in real-time

One of the most time-consuming jobs in modern businesses is employee rostering. More than a fifth of a manager's workweek is dedicated to scheduling employees, which can take up a significant amount of time each week.

Fortunately, this problem is long gone, all thanks to mobile apps. AI-based tools instantaneously produce rosters that align with staff availability, training, and other factors. By balancing employee work hours, certain apps, like RosterElf, can help to prevent burnout.

Mobile scheduling applications, particularly those utilising AI, streamline this procedure by automatically creating schedules that match different elements like employee availability, training, and preferences. These applications can also distribute work hours evenly to avoid exhaustion, guaranteeing that no employee is overwhelmed. 

With real-time scheduling abilities, managers can promptly adjust to changes and optimise schedules without dedicating excessive time to manual modifications. This effectiveness not only saves time but also guarantees that the workforce is utilized efficiently, resulting in enhanced productivity. 

7. Workforce management made easier

Effective team management goes beyond creating schedules. It involves handling administrative duties, monitoring performance, and ensuring adherence to company policies and labour laws. Mobile rostering apps offer a complete solution to streamline these tasks.

Mobile apps are much easier to use than paper and pencil timetables. Employees have access to a single source of truth for all their urgent questions, while managers have a simple, intuitive platform to fulfil most of their daily scheduling responsibilities. 

Employees can easily find all their scheduling information in one place, so they don't have to keep asking managers. Managers can use a user-friendly platform to manage schedules efficiently. 

Mobile rostering apps offer extra tools like performance tracking and analytics, giving useful data on workforce productivity. By combining different functions into one app, managing employees becomes easier and more efficient. 

How to Implement a Mobile Rostering App in Your Business?

Get in touch with our helpful team at RosterElf to see how we can assist you in setting up rostering software in your organisation. We will work with you to quickly and efficiently set up and train your management and employees.


Have Questions?

We Have The Answers

How can mobile rostering apps prevent scheduling conflicts?

Mobile rostering apps help prevent scheduling conflicts by allowing employees to view their schedules and make changes or special requests anytime. They can offer bids for new shifts, exchange tasks, and request modifications as necessary, ensuring smooth and conflict-free scheduling.

How do mobile rostering apps reduce the time spent on communication?

Mobile rostering apps streamline communication by quickly sharing employee shifts through smartphones. This reduces the need for phone calls, texts, and emails, preventing confusion and ensuring employees are well-informed about their schedules.

Can mobile scheduling apps accommodate quick changes to rosters?

Yes, mobile scheduling apps enable quick and easy adjustments to shift times, removal of shifts, and redistribution of current shifts to new employees. This flexibility helps manage last-minute changes effectively.

How do mobile rostering apps enhance employee satisfaction and productivity?

Mobile rostering apps enhance employee satisfaction by improving shift communication, allowing employees to plan their schedules well in advance, and respecting their time and privacy. When employees feel valued, they are more likely to be productive and engaged.

How do mobile rostering apps improve time and attendance tracking?

Modern mobile rostering apps use GPS-based clock-in and clock-out features, transforming smartphones into easy-to-use time and attendance devices. This automation reduces errors associated with manual timekeeping and ensures accurate records.

How does real-time employee rostering save time for managers?

Real-time employee rostering with mobile apps saves managers significant time by using AI-based tools to create rosters that align with staff availability and training. This automation allows managers to focus on more strategic tasks rather than spending hours on scheduling.

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The information contained in this article is general in nature and you should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs. Legal and other matters referred to in this article are of a general nature only and are based on RosterElf's interpretation of laws existing at the time and should not be relied on in place of professional advice.

RosterElf is not responsible for the content of any site owned by a third party that may be linked to this article and no warranty is made by us concerning the suitability, accuracy or timeliness of the content of any site that may be linked to this article.

RosterElf disclaims all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded) for any error, inaccuracy, or omission from the information contained in this article and any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.