Scheduling employees can be a complex task for any business. It is a delicate balance between ensuring enough staff coverage to meet customer demands and controlling labour costs. Even the most experienced managers need the help of rostering software to schedule their staff correctly. 

This article will explore the five most common employee scheduling mistakes and how to avoid them with RosterElf.

1. Not scheduling enough staff

Understaffing is a common problem that leads to long wait times, poor customer service and staff burnout. To avoid this mistake, it is crucial to forecast the business’s staffing needs accurately. 

This can be challenging without the right tools. RosterElf uses advanced staff scheduling overviews and roster templates to help you predict future staffing requirements based on historical data, seasonality and other factors. This ensures that the business consistently has the right amount of staff on hand to meet demand.

2. Scheduling too many staff

Overstaffing can be just as problematic as understaffing. It can lead to unnecessary labour costs, low productivity, and staff boredom. RosterElf helps managers optimise their schedules by showing you high and low-demand times. You can also see the estimated labour costs for your upcoming rosters against your expected income. This allows you to adjust your staff schedules accordingly.

3. Not considering employee preferences

Employees have lives outside of work, and their schedules should reflect this. Ignoring employee preferences and leave notes can lead to low morale, high turnover rates and increased absenteeism. RosterElf allows employees to submit their availability and request time off through the app. This ensures managers schedule staff when they want to work, increasing engagement and job satisfaction.

schedule your staff with ease

4. Poor communication

Effective communication is essential when scheduling employees. Without it, staff may not show up for shifts, miss important information and roster updates or make mistakes. RosterElf has a built-in communication feature that sends messages to employees about changes in their schedules, upcoming shifts and other important staff information. This ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing the risk of misunderstandings.

5. Failing to plan for contingencies

Unexpected events can occur anytime, and businesses must be prepared for them. RosterElf allows managers to create contingency plans for emergencies or sudden changes in demand. For example, if an employee calls in sick, RosterElf can quickly identify available matching staff to fill the gap. Our software will only suggest qualified staff for the position you need to reschedule. This ensures that the business can operate smoothly, even in unforeseen circumstances.

Scheduling employees can be challenging, but businesses can avoid common mistakes with the right tools. RosterElf helps managers optimise their schedules, communicate effectively with staff and plan for contingencies. Using RosterElf, businesses can reduce labour costs, improve customer service and increase staff engagement.

Learn more about RosterElf and how we can help you with staff management.

Have Questions?

We Have The Answers

How does understaffing impact my business, and how can RosterElf help?

Understaffing leads to long wait times, poor customer service, and staff burnout. RosterElf helps by providing advanced scheduling overviews and roster templates. It uses historical data and seasonality to forecast staffing needs accurately, ensuring your business consistently has the right number of staff to meet demand.

What are the consequences of overstaffing, and how can RosterElf prevent it?

Overstaffing results in unnecessary labour costs, low productivity, and staff boredom. RosterElf prevents this by showing high and low-demand times and estimating labour costs against expected income. This enables managers to adjust staff schedules efficiently to avoid overstaffing.

Why is it important to consider employee preferences in scheduling?

Ignoring employee preferences can lead to low morale, high turnover rates, and increased absenteeism. RosterElf allows employees to submit their availability and request time off, ensuring that managers can schedule staff according to their preferred times, thus increasing job satisfaction and engagement.

How does RosterElf improve communication in employee scheduling?

Poor communication can lead to missed shifts and misunderstandings. RosterElf's built-in communication feature sends messages about schedule changes, upcoming shifts, and other important information, ensuring all staff are well-informed and reducing the risk of errors.

Why is contingency planning important in employee scheduling?

Unexpected events, such as an employee calling in sick, can disrupt business operations. RosterElf allows managers to create contingency plans and quickly identify available and qualified staff to fill gaps, ensuring smooth operations even during unforeseen circumstances.

What benefits does RosterElf offer in terms of staff engagement and satisfaction?

RosterElf increases staff engagement and satisfaction by allowing employees to manage their availability and request time off easily. By accommodating their preferences and providing clear communication about their schedules, RosterElf helps create a more supportive and responsive work environment.

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The information contained in this article is general in nature and you should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs. Legal and other matters referred to in this article are of a general nature only and are based on RosterElf's interpretation of laws existing at the time and should not be relied on in place of professional advice.

RosterElf is not responsible for the content of any site owned by a third party that may be linked to this article and no warranty is made by us concerning the suitability, accuracy or timeliness of the content of any site that may be linked to this article.

RosterElf disclaims all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded) for any error, inaccuracy, or omission from the information contained in this article and any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.